Having this gift means that many things that seem harmless to others are more plainly dangerous to me. Many things that we do are open doors to the demonic realm and render us weaker and weaker and we hardly can tell if we are only relying on our intellectual judgment of a matter.
For years and years, my favourite type of movie was horror films, not just sci-fi but flat out, grotesque horror. When Jesus really laid hold of me and I give my whole life over to Him, my christianity went to another level. It was like the real christian life had begun and one of the things that happened was that the gifts of the Spirit started to operate in my life in a noticeable and amazing way. As for the gift of discerning spirits and cute topical things such as 'spiritual warfare', well...quite frankly, I learnt about spiritual warfare by doing it. And many nights while others were sleeping, I would awaken to see demons and hear them speaking and wrestle with them. This also has happened during the daytime on occasion. It became very difficult for me not to recognize the darkness in those movies, because I had experienced it. I learnt quickly that I needed to renounce and turn from my disturbing fascination with psychological thrillers and other grotesque movies. And it is increasingly revolting to someone who is growing in love for the Holy. It is no longer 'just a movie', nor 'good action', nor 'interesting', nor a 'must-see'. Before that time, I would think anyone who warned me about such things to be paranoid or religious and even plainly legalistic. I often tell persons that, as far as the spiritual world of demons go and weird happenings brought about by their wicked activity, I would probably have remained blind and unbelieving of any of it had I not had the experiences I could now recount.
So, no, I did not forget I was about to tell "Why Halloween is Not on My To-Do List" but I hope that this is a good indication. I found this link which seems to give a good synopsis of the ugliness of this day. If I could find it right now I would also include a video of an ex-satanist's testimony I've seen, including what he recounts of the use of this day for heinous blood sacrifices and rituals etc.
I hope that some of my well-meaning brothers and sisters out there are able to believe what they are being warned about and have their kids dress up and have candy in a different way and different day, for different reasons. It has nothing to do with whether the kid wears a pretty pink tutu or a grotesque goblin, the occasion is not a holy one and much wicked spiritual activity occurs specifically on that day. The intention to have clean fun in such a specific background of activity, reminds me of my latter days of going to the nightclub (near the end/ approaching my rescue from a sinful lifestyle by Jesus) when I would tell myself: my outfit wasn't bare, and I'd calculate that I wouldn't dance like 'that' anymore, and then, that I wouldn't have the alcoholic drinks anymore and that I would just have a good, clean, time despite what anyone else was doing at the nightclub. It didn't really work. In the end, I was just a part of it. Because of people like me, nightclubs remained in business to corrupt many other lives and set many people on a downward moral spiral of alcoholism, drug use, promiscuity, adultery...and many other manifestations of darkness.
Let me end with Third Day's wonderful song lyrics which can speak for me right now:
I was blinded by the devil,
born already ruined
Stone-cold as I stepped out of the womb
By His grace I have been touched
By His word I have been healed
By His hand I've been delivered
By His spirit I've been sealed
Now I've been saved by the blood of the Lamb
I'm saved by the blood of the Lamb
And I'm so glad
Yes, I'm so glad
Now I'm so glad (So glad)
I want to thank you, Lord
I just want to thank you, Lord
Thank You, Lord (Thank You, Lord)
By His truth I can be upright
By His strength I can endure
By His power I've been lifted
By His love I am secure
He bought me with a price
Freed me from the pit
Full of emptiness and wrath
And the fire that burns in it
Nobody to rescue me
Nobody would dare
I was going down for the last time
But by His mercy I've been spared
Not by works
But by faith in Him who called
For so long I've been hindered
For so long I've been stalled
Now I've been saved by the blood of the Lamb
I'm saved by the blood of the Lamb
And I'm so glad
Yes, I'm so glad
Now I'm so glad (So glad)
I want to thank you, Lord
I just want to thank you, Lord
Thank You, Lord (Thank You, Lord)
I'm saved by the blood of the Lamb
And I'm so glad
Yes, I'm so glad
Now I'm so glad (So glad)
I want to thank you, Lord
I just want to thank you, Lord
Thank You, Lord (Thank You, Lord)