July 27, 2010

The throne of iniquity

Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law, have fellowship with You? They gather together against the life of the righteous, and condemn innocent blood. But the Lord has been my defense, and my God the rock of my refuge. He has brought on them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; the Lord our God shall cut them off.
Psalm 94:20-23, NKJV

I wonder how many law-makers, congressmen, parliamentarians, and judges know that God is watching while they 'devise evil by law.'

Heaven is making records of its own as those given power in governments of the nations lobby and vote and pass bills to legalize abortion, homosexual marriage, and to ban the full-preaching of the truths of God's word while protecting the rights of those who engage in any other idolatry or immorality. Preachers of truth can be arrested and fined, praying to God is considered an 'offense' but citing texts and wearing symbols of witchcraft and any other religion are not. Gambling, pornography and 'adult entertainment' have long been legally acceptable options in various states and countries because some people have used their power to make them laws in the land. Any government so represented, is a throne of iniquity.

The country and people who espouse and defend evil by passing such bills in houses of government, will have their own iniquity come upon them, and sometimes, be openly exposed to the nations. Look and see, it's happening already as they struggle to contain crime; to counsel and control rebellious and violent youngsters; as they secretly suffer from messed up family-lives within the walls of their palatial homes, and are being enslaved by shameful addictions. It's coming upon them as the Scripture above says, and without a true repentance towards God, it's foretold that it's nothing but downhill from here.

God will protect His people who will be persecuted by means of these wicked laws that are being devised and defended by governments. Nevertheless, some suffering for the sake of Jesus and the word of God is assured. For the faithful, their endurance will turn out to be for their eternal advantage.


  1. Shalom Shulamite,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Thilim (Ps.) 94:20-23. The text you refer to also ties in with Ps.2 Rev.13:11-18& Rev. 17 very deep study showing the things which must soon come to pass.

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog, and for the references. Biblical prophecy is very important right now.
