September 10, 2010

The secret life of a saint

I haven't watched or listened to Beth Moore teach for a very long time. The first time I ever heard her some years ago, I was walking past my mom's bedroom where she was watching Beth Moore on LIFE Today and something she said grabbed my attention. When I'd stopped to watch and listen, I remember being transfixed for a little while. Because she was all about the word of God. As far as I could see and hear, not just a teacher, but a lover of the word of God. I came away from the remainder of that short program all shaken up. All I could think/pray was, 'I want what she has.'

Yesterday on Facebook I came across this super short clip from her most recent Wednesdays with Beth Moore program. Although I have lots of problems loading videos (slow connection right now), since it was only 1min:47secs long, I thought I'd go through the trouble. And it was well worth it. What she said has remained with me all day. This clip was able to call me to self-examination and a fear of the Lord in under two minutes. Please check this out now:

What she said right at the end had the most impact on me. What if your public life with Christ was only exceeded by your private life with Christ? I absolutely do not want to come to a state where I have more passion for Jesus as a public persona (online here at my blog, on Facebook or Twitter, at church or anywhere else), than I have when no one sees me. You know, when it's just God and me at home, in the privacy of my room, alone with my thoughts, and when I'm making choices that no one else can observe. Effectively, this means that I need to guard myself and give my heart, mind, soul, and strength to loving God more than anything else.

We must all do this. It requires cultivating a private relationship with the LORD God in very practical ways - even if some public things do not get done, even if some public appearances are not made, even if people in the public are going to be disappointed or disapproving. Our private relationship with God should actually exceed what we can fully express publicly. And you know what? This is really the only way we can publicly bear fruit which pleases God, and which remains to be rewarded by Him.

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
John 15:4

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