August 22, 2010

My feet, my path, and figuring it out

Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105, NKJV

This is a well-known and much quoted verse, but this is how the Holy Spirit opened it up to me one day:
~  God's word gives me light (that is, instruction and counsel) about what's next, about what my next step should be - where my 'feet' ought to go. 
~  The word of God is also a light for the lesser known or upcoming events, the rest of the master plan, the entire course I have to run - the path laid out for me.

Clearly, it's in my best interest to be intimately acquainted with this Word!


  1. I love this...and the picture :D

  2. Hi Kristine! Thank you for stopping by and for the kind words. I really love that picture too!
